So many bars, so many drinks



This sake from Ogawa Kobo(Ogawa Yeast) boasts an elegant Ginjo aroma and a delicate, refreshing flavor that expertly brings out the richness of the rice. The brewmaster's dedication is evident in the soulful craftsmanship, resulting in a sake with a fragrance subtle enough not to overshadow meals, and a crisp, refined taste that remains enjoyable without becoming monotonous. We have captured a fresh and sophisticated aroma, along with a light and clean quality in this outstanding daiginjo sake.

From 霧筑波 大吟醸 -霧筑波 official site-

Gracefully, subtly... but with a discernible sense of authenticity [KAGETSURO]

I felt that this sake, deliberately diluted with high-quality brewing alcohol, shares a potential similar to premium Junmai Daiginjo sakes such as Dassai, Jikon, Tatenokawa, and Juyondai. Upon sipping, it retains the refined sweetness characteristic of Junmai Daiginjo, yet it's not overly sweet and manages to strike a balance without overpowering individuality. There's a determined effort to avoid lingering in the throat and nasal passages... a kind of endearing sincerity. Indeed, it doesn't interfere with the flavors of food. However, it left me with a sense that it possesses the capability to truly satisfy the drinker. Interestingly. Upon investigation, I found that this 'Kiritsukuba Daiginjo' is priced higher than the 'Kiritsukuba Junmai Daiginjo' from the same brand. It is interesting.

Yes... this is the one I had at Ryotei kagetsuro [At Home]

Exactly, that's it. It's like a Daiginjo wearing the skin of a Junmai Daiginjo. Yeah, it's really easy to drink.