Lemon Juice 25 ml
Orange Juice 25 ml
Pineapple Juice 25ml
Ginger Ale 50ml
Grenadine Syrup 1 dadh
Pineapple & Orange Slices
- [Notes]
(Bartender [JUMP COMICS DELUXE] Vol.1 Glass 6 Cocktail Magic)
Lemon Juice 25 ml
Orange Juice 25 ml
Pineapple Juice 25ml
Ginger Ale 50ml
Grenadine Syrup 1 dadh
Pineapple & Orange Slices
(Bartender [JUMP COMICS DELUXE] Vol.1 Glass 6 Cocktail Magic)
Lovely. With ice flakes, it became more cooler and much smoother to drink. Basically cocktails with ice flakes become watery if you do not drink it at short time. So this time I drank this very quickly. The taste was good.